AI is Overrated Why ThePrimeagen Ripped Out GitHub Copilot From His Code Editor Podcast #124

On this week’s episode of the podcast, freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews The Primeagean. He’s a software engineer who streams himself programming. He recently left his job at Netflix to stream full-time. We talk about: - Prime’s journey from his teacher telling him he’ll never accomplish anything in life to working as an engineer at one of the most prestigious tech companies. - Prime’s love of “Nintendo Hard“ video games, and how his love of challenge propelled him to “get good“ at coding - What it’s like to live stream coding in front of more than 1,000 people for a dozen hours each week - Leaving San Francisco to move his family of 6 to a horse ranch in South Dakota - Prime’s thoughts on AI and how he thinks it will actually create more developer jobs than it destroys I had ... #freeCodeCamp 20240517 SuWKCv3ewXw
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