John Perkins on How an Economic Hit Man Operates

The Hudson Union is where everyone comes to be inspired, to change our world. Check us out on Twitter @ActualJoePascal John Perkins started and stopped writing Confessions of an Economic Hit Man four times over 20 years. He says he was threatened and bribed in an effort to kill the project, but after 9/11 he finally decided to go through with this expose of his former professional life. Perkins, a former “economic hit man“ for 10 years, worked for U.S. intelligence agencies. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is an extraordinary and gripping tale of intrigue and dark machinations. Think real life James Bond, except it’s a true story! The hardcover edition of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man has appeared on 20 bestseller lists, including The New York Times for over a year and has been translated into 30 languages. In his economic hit man capacity, Perkins traveled all over the world—to Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East—and was either a direct participant in or witness to some of the most dramatic events in modern history, including the Saudi Arabian Money-laundering Affair, the fall of the shah of Iran, the death of Panamas President Omar Torrijos, the subsequent invasion of Panama, and events leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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