How to separate faces into new objects in Blender

Tutorial video shows how to separate faces into new objects in Blender. If we want to separate face or mesh into two objects, we can go to Edit Mode, and choose Separate Selection or Split Faces by Edges. Furthermore, if we want to separate all faces into objects, we can choose separate by loose parts after splitting. Steps are easy to follow for Blender beginners, I hope this helps. Thank you for watching this video, feel free to share this video with your friends. More sharing on official website, Watch more Blender Tutorials here, Watch Blender Tutorials in this YouTube Video playlist : ------------------------------------------------------------------ Timestamp 0:00 Intro – How to separate faces in Blender 0:32 Select object and Go to Edit Mode 0:41 Select Face 0:44 Separate Selection 0:55 Separate All Faces into objects 1:09 Split Faces by Edges 1:33 Separate by Loose Parts ------------------------------------------------------------------ Have fun with CG. Let’s create. #cgian #blender #tutorial #3D
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