Dreadnought in the Pond - On the Bottom (2021, Официальный клип)

WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised. ____ On the Bottom is the median track from Dreadnought in the Pond first LP 0=1. It’s the point of catharsis and the start of the hero`s rebirth. ____ 0=1 is a debut LP of the Dreadnought in the Pond band based on Joseph Campbell’s “Hero with a thousand faces“. It’s a journey from known to the unknown, a quest of fighting your inner dark self and returning with shining keys from your mind, soul, and heart. The journey, that takes a part in each human being’s life. This album contains a story of a path from ground to bottom, from right to left, from 0 to 1, from light to darkness, and again to light. This is a combined personal experience of the circular journey of each group member. The endless spiral movement that’s called life. Nothing more, nothing less. 0 = 1. Our online presence:
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