State Opening Of Parliament (1924)

London. Title: “STATE OPENING OF PARLIAMENT 1924. With stately old-time ceremonial - King & Queen open the most momentous session of modern days“. M/S, looking over the heads of a cheering crowd, eight horses draw an ornate carriage containing the King George V and Queen Mary, the carriage is accompanied by Beefeaters and other ceremonial guards on foot. Panning shot follows the carriage as it comes out of Buckingham Palace. M/S of the carriage, flanked by a battalion of Royal Horse Guards, moving away from the camera down the Mall. L/S of the Royal procession passing a battalion of soldiers in busbies who stand to attention as the King passes. M/S of the Royal procession passing the camera, good view of the King and Queen inside the carriage. The carriage enters the gate to the Houses of Parliament. Low angled shot of two men and three glamorous women looking over one of the terraces in the House of Commons. M/S of lots of dignitaries - the men are dressed in ceremonial costumes - standing
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