Talking Cameras with CJ from Mando Diao

In today’s episode of Talking Cameras I am sitting down with Carl-Johan Dahlberg Fogelklou, the bass player of the famous Swedish rock band Mando Diao. To fans and friends he is known as CJ. CJ is obviously a full-time musician and involved in various projects next to his main band Mando Diao. He was even so kind to create the original music for this episode. Yet, CJ got bitten by the film photography bug a few years ago and started capturing the band on film, sharing images from tours on a dedicated Instagram channel. CJ originally reached out to me to get some advice on vintage Leica cameras and potential lenses. We immediately got along well and I carefully pitched the idea to sit down for an episode of Talking Cameras. So today, we will take a look at CJ’s really interesting camera collection, his approach to photography and personal journey to film photography. Let’s get started. Gear discussed: Olympus OM-1 Leicaflex SL MOT & SL2 Leica M6 Hasselblad 503cxi Fuji GW690 II Original music: Carl-Johan Dahlberg Fogelklou If you enjoy our videos and like to follow us on Instagram, find us here:
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