
#AntiFake Fake: Russians, instead of rebuilding houses in Mariupol, only paint them from the outside. This statement was made by Petr Andryushchenko, the former adviser to the mayor. Truth: Buildings are being rebuilt both internally and externally. Despite the fact that the area of the city adjacent to Azovstal was the most affected, many houses there are also slated for reconstruction. Andryushchenko is talking about House 42 on Lenin Avenue. The object’s passport indicates the duration of the repair work: from the 4th quarter of 2022 to the 4th quarter of 2023. Shots were taken before the completion of the work, as you can see from the construction fence and the stickers on the windows. However, it is obvious that the building is in a high state of readiness. Numerous bullet holes have been sealed, the facade has been painted, and modern windows with glass panes have been inserted. The fact that several windows have not yet been installed indicates that work is still in progress. Источник: DPR MFA
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