French Numbers 1-20

Salut! Je compte en français les numéros de 1 à 20. Please feel free to comment and correct anything to improve my pronunciation. (: I actually only took French for 1 year’s time, although it was somewhat intensive and compact. I had two sessions (French I and French II) during the summer of ’05, and then I took French 3 at high school for the year. That’s all the French I’ve learned, and I haven’t had the chance to use much since then. The symbols within the square brackets [ ] is the pronunciation as indicated by the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). It’s a standarized system of phonetic notation that linguists use, associating one sound with one graph (letter). Once you know the IPA, you should be able to pronounce any sound in any language! I’d be happy to explain any of the symbols. Information is also available on the wiki:
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