Mae Mai Counter Fighting tutorial

Mae Mai Muay Thai or Fundamental Principles of Muay Thai, far from being merely offensive and defensive maneuvers, extremely simple at first glance, are the “distillation” of a complete system of unarmed Thai fighting, enormously rich and sophisticated. Each maneuver has been developed over the centuries by Siamese warriors and teachers of Muay and is based upon realistic combat principles, proven “on the field” both in times of war and in peace (through a long, scientific process of trial and error). Moreover, we can say that Mai Mae Muay Thai represent a realistic interpretation of combat and a complete fighting system. The real value, the beauty inherent in these fighting maneuvers, is that every Mae Mai represents a universal combat principle that, if properly interpreted, can be applied in countless, extremely effective variations. The Masters of old that have codified these sequences of techniques possessed great first-hand experience of hand to hand combat: those wise ancestors managed to condense into 15, easy to reply maneuvers, a huge quantity of combat principles. For more info: • • (Paperback)
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