Navaratri Sixth Day Shasthi (Alcohol Madness) Shri Mataji Burwood Ashram (Sahaja Yoga) Sydney 2007

Sixth Day of Navaratri (9 Nights of worship of the Goddess) with HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Burwood Ashram in Sydney Australia 17th October 2007. Shri Mataji tlaks about the problems and dangers of drinking Alcohol of health, family, society, and spiritual evolution.(Drinking alcohol is against Kundalini Awakening - Spiritual Evolution) 1st Day of Navaratri ’PRATIPADA’ - October 12, 2007 (approx 15 mins) - wonderful music 2nd Day of Navaratri ’DVITIYA’ - October 13, 2007 T
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