Light Language Activation: Alaya Consciousness

Alaya Consciousness is the foundational consciousness of the Universe. Alaya Consciousness determines the nature of individual existence as the accumulation of all life and all experiences within life. It is the Alpha and Omega of all energy. It is also known as the “seed consciousness” because it contains limitless potential and serves as the container for all experiences of every soul. What kind of life are you creating? Alaya Consciousness is ever-evolving as the energy of transformation. You have limitless potential and it is time to activate this potential within your energetic blueprint for this lifetime. Choose to create this moment anew by becoming the infinite creator of your reality instead of living life as a victim of circumstance. Connect to Source and access the powerhouse of consciousness, awareness, and limitless potential in order to open to your True Self fully. Allow life to unfold the way you want and remember: “If you are thinking it, you are creating it.” Trust your power
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