Is the US a Declining Global Superpower?

Most recently marked by the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating, the country is going through an economic upheaval. Several economic commentators are discussing the United States’ impending bankruptcy. Money alone is a feeble foundation for building enduring prosperity in society. Freedom and stability start with making sure that everyone has a decent life, and not at the expense of others. How can we fix such a declining direction in today’s world? What values can lead the U.S. and the world forward? To secure a good future, we need to make sure that everyone has a good future, and not that we each try to build a good future for ourselves at the expense of one another. We need to also know how to come closer to each other in a harmonious and peaceful manner so that everyone will enjoy safe, comfortable, happy, and confident lives. Verbally, everyone agrees with these ideas. But due to our egoistic nature, where we each desire to self-benefit at the expense of others, w
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