Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (Fingerstyle Guitar)

#queen #fingerstyle #freddiemercury #guitar 🔥Get the Bohemian Rhapsody TABS Score: 💥Guitar course: 💖Thanks for your donation! (Paypal account): bstationproduction@ ❤Instagram: @lucasimbiriba ❤Support me on my Patreon page: 💥Check out the Venutti Guitars: This is my version of the legendary Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. I hope you enjoy this solo guitar rendition! Special thanks to Venutti for sending me this incredible guitar! This guitar is a Grand Auditorium Model made by the brazilian guitar builder Wagner Venutti. Make sure you check him out! Want TABS?: preorder them on my website or send me an email to lucasimbiribaguitar@ Cheers!
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