8 Guitar Solo Collaboration From A Different Dimension!
My first frequent gig as a working musician was at Robert’s Western World on Lower Broadway in Nashville, TN. Some of the best players to lend any twang to this world have come from this very bar and played the stage and songs I had with a very well known local band - The Don Kelley Band. I had been the youngest player to acquire the spot. This was a game changer.
We played 4 hours a night, for 4 days a week. Every week. I played close to 500 shows there. (464 to be exact) The player that I was prior to the gig could have gone in any direction completely unknown to me had I not been lucky enough to get this role. It molded a great deal of my musical identity as a musician, and character as a guitarist.
This compilation was taken from the last few weeks of my stand with The Don Kelley Band at Robert’s Western World. Feels like home movies...