Weekly Q&A #8 — 9/12/21
Date: 9/12/21
(3:02) The archive in the mentorship program does not have any content? Is there a link missing?
(11:09) How to recover & regain your value if you started off the interaction in a needy frame by being persistent & giving your power away to get the hot girls’ attention?
(19:15) There’s this idea in game that you shouldn’t validate the girl before sleeping with her. Otherwise, she won’t be motivated to sleep with you. How true is that?
(23:44) I just don’t know how to make it man-to-woman. I know the concept, but don’t know what to say. Can you give an example and some guidelines?
(30:21) Casual sex and one-night stands are new to me. I’ve only been in LTRs as a 26 yr old. What’s your mindset and how to make ONS and being friends with benefits a “win“ for her?
(36:41) When the girl says she has no feelings for me, what kind of feelings does she mean? How can I make it happen?
(38:33) I’ve gotten over my fear of approaching and starting a conversation, but whenever I establish premise they would say they have a boyfriend. What should I work on?
(41:38) When seeding the pull or not telling the girl we’re going back to my place, I feel like I’m tricking the girl. Shouldn’t you be honest with her?
(46:59) Advice on how to consume game content as a beginner and make it click? There’s so much information out there.
(51:18) How to escalate and move things forward without losing sexual tension and giving your power away at the same time? Should I play hard to get all the way to sex?
(53:18) What’s your mindset when you’re being polarizing, disqualifying? Are you risking losing the girl?
(58:21) I get a decent amount of matches but a high % of them don’t respond to my opener. I use “You’re cute but dorky. Hope you’re as fun as you look”. Any ideas?
(1:00:45) Girls often ask me “what are we“ even before the kiss. Is it because I haven’t established enough premise or not enough comfort?
(1:02:37) What to text a girl after already confirming a date in a text game? Should I still text once a day to keep it warm or just avoid texting to reduce error?
(1:05:37) Girls tend to force me into committing a relationship right after the kiss (way before FC). What is the issue and how to avoid it?
(1:06:55) What is a good opinion opener aside from “who lies more, men or women“ in day game?
(1:10:27) What is your view on being friends with the girl first, going on dates as friends, DHV on the date, and only showing premise via kino?
(1:13:30) Is there any common female archetype that we have to modify the system or the amount of polarizing/flirting/game that we use?
(1:17:06) Low intent style of game to avoid burning sets and buying time for DHV?
(1:20:57) What to text the girl in an online game? General topic of interest that we should go into?
(1:23:49) My brain stops me from opening girls in public when it’s too crowded with strangers, but I’m fine when it’s not very crowded. How do I ignore the strangers?
(1:31:23) What are your thoughts about paying on dating apps?
(1:32:13) How to get good in bed?
(1:36:44) Can you suggest the best techniques to loosen up immediately in day/night parties/events? (Esp. after a stressful day at work)
(1:44:50) Do girls mainly have sex for validation?
(1:46:31) How did you learn and practice girls in the first 3-4 years? (You only explained the first year of your learning) How did you improve and what sources did you have?
(1:49:18) I think frames are like a role in a movie that you decide to play. For example, I imagine myself a king and then imagine how a king would pick up girls. But practicing a frame is fucking difficult since I also have to create all dialogues in real-time and by the way I cannot really know how a king (generally somebody with different life experience) would communicate with girls. How did you practice different frames?
(1:51:28) As a beginner, what frame do you suggest for me to practice?
(1:52:15) Not everyone is good at teasing and conversation. Some people are just not good with words.
(1:56:40) It’s difficult to practice premise in person because I’m too concerned about what to say next in order to keep the conversation going. Platonic is the first thing that comes to my mind.
(1:59:14) What according to you is the best city in the US for day game and night game if I like intelligent girls?
(2:01:37) Is the system part of mentorship and is available in the library. Am I wrong?!
(2:03:25) How to spike her emotions without being a dancing monkey? I heard that you should generally lean towards being boring than gamey.
(2:05:42) How to do a threesome game on a dating app? I live with my girlfriend who has the same type.
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