UC Davis employee detained after she was filmed chastising a group of drag queens for mocking women

UC Davis employee detained after she was filmed chastising a group of drag queens for mocking women. #UC Davis’ Institute of Transportation Studies program director Beth Bourne was caught berating a group of drag queens in the lobby of a #Hawaii hotel. Bourne berated the drag queens and accused the hotel of creating an unsafe environment for her child. “Because you put on make-up, you’re wearing high heels, you have a Barbie outfit on, you don’t think this is degrading?“ “This is misogyny... if you give me back my money right now, I will leave the hotel, but I’m not going to have my children come down from the 30th floor and see what’s happening here.“ The drag queens were reportedly performing at a ’pride’ event at the Alohilani Resort in Waikiki. Follow us -> LiveLeak Source: LiveLeak
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