How to make an origami BOX out of A4 paper, in 5 minutes, without glue

Origami instructions on how to make a small rectangular box with your own hands from a sheet of A4 paper. Folding such a box will take no more than 5 minutes of your precious time. This craft can be easily folded even in the most elementary home conditions, it is also worth noting that glue is not needed at all to make this box, only here you need to follow the indicated origami scheme very carefully, then exactly from the 1st time, everything will work out as it should. The use of this origami is very wide and is limited only by the height of your imagination. Such a simple rectangular box is great for storing various small gizmos. And if you pre-make such two identical crafts, then by combining these parts together into a single whole, you will get an ordinary box with a lid, which at any time you can close our paper box, thereby hiding its internal contents from prying eyes. A wide variety of drawings or inscriptions can always be applied to the white surface of the box. Which will indicate it
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