Combat work of artillery crews of D-20 howitzers

Combat work of artillery crews of D-20 howitzers Crews of D-20 howitzers of the artillery formation of the Vostok group of forces from Sakhalin ensure the advancement of assault units in the South Donetsk direction. The guns are practically silent, the artillery crews are doing everything to support the infantry in the offensive and destroy enemy fortifications. The shooting intensity is higher than ever. The consumption of ammunition is very high, the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, our artillerymen are literally pouring fire on them. With such intense work, supply connections are also working in an enhanced mode, the guns must always have a full load of ammunition. According to the artillerymen, in recent months artillery duels on this section of the front have almost stopped, but the enemy still snaps back and uses kamikaze drones en masse. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the crews is to camouflage the gun so that it is not visible not only from the air, but also fro... Source: Military Wave
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