Niagara Falls for Kids | Learn about one of the world’s most famous waterfalls

Niagara Falls is one of the most famous waterfalls in the world. There are some pretty good reasons that it is such a popular natural landform. Located on the Niagara River, which creates a natural border between the U.S. and Canada, Niagara Falls is actually made of three separate waterfalls. Two are on the U.S. side—Victoria Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. The third and largest one is Horseshoe Falls, which is on the Canadian side. Niagara Falls is a cataract waterfall, meaning that it is incredibly large and powerful. In fact, a total of 80,000 cubic feet of water flows over the edge every second. That equates to just over 598 thousand gallons of water every single second! This also means that Niagara Falls is an excellent source of hydroelectric power. Scientists believe the falls started forming around 10 to 12 thousand ago because of melting glaciers. They have changed shape over time due to erosion. The unique green color of Niagara Falls comes from the dissolved salts and rocks in the w
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