Window on Britain 06 Festivals

Window on Britain 06 Festivals Научу вас разговаривать по-английски. Вы сможете общаться с носителями языка, и они скажут, что у вас хороший уровень. Записывайтесь на пробное занятие прямо сейчас - Все части здесь British people celebrate some festivals — like Christmas and Easter - with the rest of Europe. But some are just British. Here’s a very British festival and a very noisy one! This is Guy Fawkes’ Night in Britain. On the fifth of November every year British people remember Guy Fawkes — and his plot to blow up the King and the Houses of Parliament in 1605. That’s Guy Fawkes …and here he is under the Houses of Parliament. Some soldiers are arresting him and taking him away. Every November the fifth British people burn a model of Guy Fawkes. The models are called ‘guys’. Children make them out of old clothes. There are lots of fireworks, too. What’s this? It‘s Panca
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