Five On The Black Hand Side (1973) [ENG] Blaxploitation

Five on the Black Hand Side (1973) Жанр: Комедия США, USA, 1973, 96 мин. Режиссер: Оскар Уильямс Сценарий: Чарли Л. Расселл Композитор: Х.Б. Барнум Актеры: Кларик Таилор, Леонард Джексон, Вирджиния Кейперс, Глинн Турман, Д’Юрвилл Мартин, Тчака Элморавидс, Кваси Баду, Бонни Банфиелд, Годфри Кэмбридж, Фрэнки Крокер Five on the Black Hand Side is a 1973 comedy film based on the play by Charlie L. Russell. It was shot in Los Angeles. Leonard Jackson appeared in this motion picture as John Henry Brooks. He was cast in Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple fifteen years later. Its tagline was “You’ve been coffy-tized, blacula-rized and super-flied - but now you’re gonna be glorified, unified and filled-with-pride... when you see Five on the Black Hand Side.“ This relationship between the two parents in this movie (Mr. and Mrs. Brooks), was parodied in a skit of the same name on the comedy series “In Living Color“. Blaxploitation
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