Change your Living Conditions By Simply Raising your Inner Frequency
If You Vibrate at a higher frequency, you won’t have negative demonic ’friends’ or people of low character near you. Your higher vibration will bring about a positive change into your personal life.
Q&A Chapters :
00:00 What is the role of Rahman (The Most Compassionate) in the world of light, given it governs the world of form? And what is the wisdom behind Hussain (as) being ‘Little Hassan (as)’?
10:01 So, is that why awliyaullah (saints) being able to move through portals with “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” in the last days?
18:17 Are the souls of the students from the light of our spiritual guide?
24:44 Can part of Ayn ul Yaqeen (Vision of Certainty) be through the qalam (pen) and writing?
29:01 What does it mean when one feels energetic heaviness and discomfort on their chest during a conversation with someone even when there’s no discord?
Recorded : 20231110
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