LE VENT, LE CRI. tutorial,pop song|Ветер, Крик. Ноты|Как играть|Красивая мелодия

LE VENT, LE CRI. is a Track from the Movie “der Profi“ - “le Professieunel“ piano tutorial, pop song|“Ветер, Крик“|Ноты|Как играть|Красивая мелодия из к/ф “Профессионал“ Ноты в здесь: HOW to PLAY PIANO CHORDS|Аккорды Ноты|Как играть| : TUTORIAL PIANO SHEETS FOLK SONG | Много хороших песен: SUBSCRIBE my FREE PIANO LESSONS |Уроки на пианино: E. Morricone is an Italian composer, arranger and conductor. He mainly writes music for film and television. The great officer of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic. Winner of two Oscars: for outstanding achievements in cinema and for the best music, 9-time
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