1. Gary Jay vs. Sage Philips
2. Bulking Season (Arthur McArthur & Chuck Stone) vs. Fear And Loathing In Pro Wrestling (Schwartzy & The Kenny Urban)
3. Apollo Starr vs. Brutus Atwell
4. Midwest Scum (Dread King Logan & Zach Thomas) (c) vs. Hy-Zaya & Shane Mercer (RPW Tag Team Title Match)
5. Justin Kyle (c) vs. Hoodfoot (RPW Title Match)
6. Mad Man Pondo vs. Rickey Shane Page (Death Match)
7. Randi West vs. Anakin Murphy vs. Mathias Trasher (Three Way Totally Wired Death Match)
8. Neil Diamond Cutter vs. Malcolm Monroe III (Doors Of Death Match)
9. Satu Jinn (c) vs. Otis Cogar (RPW Deathmatch Title Match)