OPULENT ADVERSARY « Close Your Hearts To Pity » CD (ABGRUND) — Teaser
OPULENT ADVERSARY – Close Your Hearts To Pity CD
ABGRUND is honored to present the debut full-length CD of US heavy electronics project OPULENT ADVERSARY ‘Close Your Hearts To Pity’
Limited to 100 copies :
• 75 regular copies in A5 bag lyric sheet 2 inserts professional-CD
A Special Edition of 25 boxes is available
• 25 hand-made numbered copies w/human ashes lyric sheet 2 inserts special Box professional-CD
Due to the nature of the packaging only 25 copies were made.
By Fanatics For Fanatics.
Razor-sharp cruel electronics cut through the fabric of your mundane reality while raging vocals pin your diseased brain into submission.
As your beloved contemporary social fetishes are trampled under without remorse, nothing remains of the decaying idols manufactured for the hypnotized slaves of commodified [sub]culture.
No holds barred: OPULENT ADVERSARY offers no sweet ‘message’, no comforting lie – a slash in the face and all the rage and hatred that boils deep down in the psyche of the debased rotting West. Daring to confront the Demiurge, a call to arms, a call to war, beyond pity!
Needless to say this is not for everyone.
Acquire With Due Caution.
“A slap in the face is more effective than ten lectures. It makes you understand very quickly.”
― Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
3 years ago 00:03:36 294
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