Укладка бикса для стерилизации - Preparation of bix for steam sterilization
Preparation of bix for steam sterilization.
Equipment: metal bix (round box with a movable metal rim), antiseptic solution (70% ethylic alcohol), 2 towels, white sheet, material for sterilization (large and small towels bandages, rolled gauzes etc.), 3 indicators of sterility, label (with information about the date and time of sterilization, type of dressings inside the bix, department and name of the nurse).
Algorithm of the manipulation:
1. Check the integrity and functionality of all parts of the bix.
2. Wipe internal and external surfaces of the bix with towels, moistened with antiseptic solution (2 times).
3. Put and spread out white sheet inside the bix. Free edges of the sheet should hang down on sides of the bix.
4. Put the first indicator of sterility at the bottom of the bix.
5. Fill the bix with dressings (loosely, vertically, by sectors).
6. Put the second indicator of sterility in the center of the bix.
7. Turn up the edges of the sheet over the dressings.
8. Put the third indicator of sterility under the top edge of the sheet.
9. Close and lock the lid of the bix.
10. Move the metal rim of the bix to open round holes on the sides of it and lock the rim.
11. Tie the label (with information about the date and time of sterilization, type of dressings, department and name of the nurse) to the handle of the bix.
12. Sterilize the bix in the autoclave using one of regimens of steam sterilization (e.g. 2 bars, 134 ̊C, 20 min).
13. Close and lock the metal rim of the bix.
Non-opened bix can be stored for 72 hours, opened – up to 24 hours.
After opening the bix you should check indicators.
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