Biden’s Border Hypocrisy: He Called the Wall Racist, But Now He’s Building It

In a stunning reversal of his previous stance, President Biden has waived 26 federal laws in order to expedite the construction of former President Trump’s US-Mexico border fence. Biden had previously called the wall “racist“ and vowed to tear it down, but he has now cited an “acute and immediate need“ to stop the surge of migrants at the border. The move has been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised Biden for taking action to address the border crisis, while others have criticized him for hypocrisy and for abandoning his campaign promises. It is important to note that the border crisis is a complex issue with no easy solutions. There are many factors that contribute to the surge in migration, including violence and poverty in Central America, as well as economic opportunity in the United States. It is also important to note that the border wall is not a silver bullet. It is unlikely to deter all migrants from crossing the border, and it could have negative
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