DPRK Satellite Launch Failed

My backup channel on Odysee @PhuongDPRKDaily:e The National Aerospace Development Administration of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched the military reconnaissance satellite “Malligyong-1“ loaded on the new-type satellite carrier rocket “Chollima-1“ as scheduled at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground in Cholsan County of North Phyongan Pronvince at 06:27 on May 31, Juche 112(2023). The launched new-type satellite carrier rocket “Chollima-1“ crashed into the West Sea of Korea along with the loss of thrust because of abnormal start of the second-stage motor after the first-stage separation while making a normal flight. A spokesman for the National Aerospace Development Administration clarified that scientists, technicians and specialists concerned will start bringing light to the cause of the accident in detail, considering that it lies in the failure of reliability and stability of the new-type motor system introduced into the satellite carrier rocket “Chollima-1“ and the instability of the specifications of the used fuel. The National Aerospace Development Administration made clear that it will investigate and clarify in detail the serious shortcomings that occurred in the satellite launch, take urgent sci-tech measures to overcome them and carry out the second launch as soon as possible through various partial tests. Pyongyang May 31, Juche 112 (2023)
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