Within Temptation - Forgiven

Within Temptation ’s Forgiven, new video off of the Heart Of Everything, featuring footage available on Black Symphony, the band’s latest DVD. For more information about Black Symphony check Stay up to date on any Within Temptation news: Facebook - Twitter - Hyves - iPhone app - iPad app - Within Temptation is: Sharon den Adel, vocals Robert Westerholt, guitars Ruud Jolie, guitars Martijn Spierenburg, keyboards Stephen van Haestregt, drums Jeroen van Veen, bass Lyrics: Couldn’t save you from the start Love you so it hurts my soul Can you forgive me for trying again Your silence makes me hold my breath Time has passed you by Oh, for so long I’ve tried to shield you from the world Oh, you couldn’t face the freedom on your own Here I am left in silence You gave up the fight You left me behind All that
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