Bushcraft trip - hot tent, gathering chaga and berries, making a cutting board, reindeer skin etc.

I am carving a cutting board, sleeping in a tent with a wood stove, cooking two meals, gathering tea and berries, making fire wood etc. Open the full video description for more information. ---------------------------- Date: September 2021 Day: 8°C to 20°C (°F) Night: -2°C to 8°C (°F) Location: Sweden. Clean and classic northern nature. Fresh water rivers. Pine, spruce and birch forest etc. Mountains, bears, wolves, eagles, reindeers etc. You need to take some care regarding animals, but in general no problems. _________________ Consuming: Water, spruce tea, chaga tea. Beef, potatoes, onions, garlic, chili, salt and cheese. Oats, water, salt, black crowberry and cranberries. _________________ A few questions: 1. What tent and stove did you use? Tschum 2P Light SOSWA and Poshehonka Stove Set S basis version
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