00:00 - 00:49 Visceral Ends
00:49 - 03:41 Inversion
03:41 - 06:00 Exhale the Ash
06:00 - 10:36 Stare Into Death and Be Still
10:36 - 14:20 There Is No Horizon
14:20 - 18:07 Dissolved Orders
18:07 - 21:52 Drawn Into The Next Void
Selected sections from the album drum tracking sessions from November 2019. Album mix with the other instruments pulled down a little, no vox. Spent a lot more time with trialling alternative takes than I have in the past, so there’s a little bit of take switching here and there throughout the video. All audio is mics only, with some sample augmentation on the kick
... drums (from the album sessions themselves). No edits or grid fuckery.
Pearl Masters BCX kit
14×5.5″ snare
2x 22×18″ bass drums
10×8″, 12×9″ rack toms
14×14″, 16×16″ floor toms
All Pearl hardware
Cymbals – Meinl
20″ Byzance Brilliant China
18″ Byzance Traditional China
06″ Byzance Brilliant Splash
08″ Byzance Traditional Splash
10″ Soundcaster Fusion Splash
17″ Byzance Traditional Medium Crash
19″ Classics Custom Dark Crash
14″ Classics Custom Dark Hihats
12″ Byzance Traditional Mini-Hats
20″ Byzance Jazz Sweet Ride
22″ MB20 Heavy Bell Ride
08″ Classics High Bell
08″ Classics Low Bell
Axis pedals, Evans heads, Vater sticks, Shure mics.Show more