Six Signs of a Bad Therapist (Counselor / Mental Health Clinician)

This video covers six signs of a bad therapist (or really six signs of a less-than-ideal counselor). I’m using the word counselor here not necessarily to refer to a particular professional identity, but to anybody who can deliver therapy. A professional counselor would be included in that, but also a social worker, psychologist, marriage and family therapist or some other similar profession. It’s also worth mentioning here that most counselors are good. This video is focusing a lot of negative aspects that might be seen in the world counseling, but the vast majority of counselors do a good job under a lot of different circumstances. I tried to make this list fairly objective. #1: Not being clear about licensure status. #2. Falsely claiming doctoral-level competence. #3 Suggesting or engaging in a friendship or a romantic/sexual relationship with a client. #4 Incorrect diagnosing #5 Dogmatic loyalty to one treatment modality. #6 Confusing art and science.
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