Turkish Flatbread Bazlama [No Oven]

How To Make Bazlama Flatbread from Turkey pan bread ​[ASMR] トルコのパン(超簡単でオーブンなし) [Eating sound] My new channel for Cat Vlog: Instagram: Facebook: I have consulted the formula of “Cookist Wow“ and “Life N More“ channel. ●● Recipe (レシピ): - 300g All purpose flour (中力粉) - 10g Sugar (グラニュー糖) - 5g Salt (塩) - 4g Instant dry yeast (ドライイースト) - 100ml Water (水) - 100ml Milk (牛乳) - 10g Vegetable oil (サラダ油) - Knead for 2 minutes (2分間捏ねる) -
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