Han & Qi’ra Love Theme - Solo: A Star Wars Story by John Powell
This is a suite created by me of the love theme for Han & Qi’ra that John Powell composed. It’s a theme that instantly reminds me of the classic romantic scores, with a sweeping and lovely melody.
Their relationship at first is beautiful and full of romance and emotion, as the first half of the track reflects, but things are not that easy, and the theme starts getting more and more dramatic, first being played by a piano and soft string, which builds up into a dramatic statement of the theme that ends the piece. The whole tracks has some breif fragments of the 3-note motif that Powell called the “secret motif“.
This are the tracks that I used for the suite:
0:00 Lando’s Closet
2:07 Testing Allegiance
4:06 Good Thing You Were Listening
4:29 Spaceport
2 weeks ago 00:03:13 1
LiSA『ReawakeR (feat. Felix of Stray Kids)』MUSiC CLiP