How to make the perfect Bechamel sauce! Simply and easily!

The perfect #Bechamel sauce! Italy and France are still arguing about who first created this sauce, there are a lot of legends around its history, but we will not guess, but simply prepare the perfect Bechamel quickly and easily! By the way, it is considered one of the most common sauces in European cuisine, keep it in notes, then we will cook with it! Ingredients: 500 ml of milk. 50 g of butter. 2 tbsp Flour. Salt, pepper, nutmeg. My advice: do not leave the stove, stir the sauce constantly, you need to spend only 5-7 minutes for an ideal result, because if it starts to stick to the bottom and burn, alas, the sauce will be spoiled! and you have to start all over again! Я в инстаграм, давайте дружить Все рецепты на закваске Рецепты французской кухни Рецепты Итальянской кухни Выпечка на дрожжах #бешамель #соусбешамель #каксделатьбешамель
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