5 MIN STRETCH AFTER WORKOUT | Stretching Exercises to Relax, Recover & Increase Flexibility
Here is another AMAZING quick after-workout stretch to relax and cool down your entire body!
This video includes some full-body exercises to relax, cool down, and improve your flexibility, and it can be done after a workout, in the morning, or before going to bed!
Stretching after your workout is very important because you want to cool down your body and bring your heart rate down slowly after working hard.
This video is part of our NEW 21 DAY FLEXIBILITY & MOBILITY CHALLENGE and you can find all my FREE challenges here:
Since this challenge is free, don’t forget to like it, subscribe to my channel, turn on notifications, and leave a comment down below letting me know what you think!
Use the #danielasuarezchallenge if you’re joining us on the FLEXIBILITY AND MOBILITY CHALLENGE!!
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2 weeks ago 00:02:44 1
Филе хека запечённое в сметанно-сырном соусе с овощами!
2 weeks ago 00:03:51 1
Пирожки-рулетики с мясом и рисом! Самое простое тесто без дрожжей для пирожков ! Супер рецепт!
4 weeks ago 00:02:45 1
Блинчики с Творогом в сметанном соусе! Очень вкусные, нежные и сочные!
1 month ago 00:04:42 1
Супер Беляши на Кефире! Очень вкусные, сочные, хрустящая корочка и пушистые внутри!
2 months ago 00:08:53 8
Предлагаю сдать в аренду душу ● Что ещё можно сдать в аренду? ● Нас используют как батарейки
2 months ago 00:10:09 1
10 МИН ТРЕНИРОВКА СПИНЫ НА КОВРИКЕ - без упражнений стоя, без инвентаря