Vedas and human DNA. Arkaim - the cradle or Aryan Civilization I

For original go to - ARKAIM - THE SWASTIKA CITY, TEMPLE, SUPER OBSERVATORY & CRADLE OF ARYAN CIVILIZATION: The ancient Slavic Aryan horizon observatory (and fortified settlement) near Magnitogorsk, (Siberia) RUSSIA, dated by conventional methods as 5500 years old - (in reality pre ~12,000 BC Aryan site, which was rebuilt many times during different stages of history). The latest carbon dating shows the age of ARKAIM ARTIFACTS as ~3500-4000 BC. ARKAIM has a form of two inscribed circle walls - 170 and 85 meters in diameter, with 60 houses: 35 between the circles and 25 in inner circle. Many sizes of the buildings are incredible precise astronomical quantities and sizes. ARAKIM is much older than the Stonehenge. The latitude of the ARAKIM placement is the same as STONEHENGE. Site currently surrounded by deliberate silence from the Western academic community who would like the idea of rewriting history with admission that everything we know is built on hoaxes? HISTORICAL FACTS -
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