Mini Food Ankake Yakisoba 食べれるミニチュア あんかけ焼きそば / Miniature Fried Noodles with Starch Sauce!

食べれるミニチュア今回はあんかけ焼きそば! 麺はやきそばでは無く極細のそうめんを使用しました♪ We made miniature fried noodles with starch sauce! We used thin wheat noodles instead of actual yakisoba (noodles for frying)! We produce edible miniature dishes. All of the kichien we use, cooking ingredients, small articles are bought in Japan. As we don’t use English,there will be the cases we can’t answer the questions, if you forgive us. Be careful that we don’t get the Facebook pages open. Mini Food Sōmen 食べれるミニチュアそうめん
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