3 Uli Jon Roth Licks From 1977-1985

Here’s the next Three-For-All lesson with 3 Uli Jon Roth Licks From 1977-1985. Uli Jon Roth is an obscure and nearly-forgotten guitar pioneer and legend, and his influence on a wide range of important guitarists cannot be overstated or overestimated. From Yngwie Malmsteen and Paul Gilbert to everyone else you can think of - Uli Jon Roth is a big part of the push within rock music that helped spawn the shred guitar boom in the early 1980s. This lesson features a number of ideas coming from Uli’s music, which include a few ideas from his Electric Sun releases, not to mention a famous guitar lick from his days playing in the Scorpions with the popular song ’Sails of Charon.’ This lesson is one of the more difficult Three-For-All lessons that I’ve put together, so be sure to work through this material slowly until the ideas and licks presented begin to feel more comfortable and begin to take shape. From there you can begin shredding these ideas to your heart’s content, but
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