Why Eat a Raw Meat Only Diet? (Benefits vs Risks) • Andrew Graf

Listen to Andrew Graf who eats a 100% raw-meat only carnivore diet, talk about why he chose the raw-meat diet and the extra benefits that eating raw meat offers over cooked. #carnivorediet #nutrition #biohackerslab Since high school, Andrew has been on a mission to lose weight and resolve nagging health problems. Then, after years of extreme exercise and struggling to find a diet that works he found carnivorism. It worked! However, Andrew decided to take that extra step; he went raw and never felt better. If you know someone who is interested in learning more about the raw-meat diet and it’s potential benefits, this interview is for them. I really enjoyed hearing more about Andrew’s interesting food journey as well as some of his more controversial thoughts. ✅ Check out the episode including all the extra show note links here: ✅ Listen to the interview on iTunes here:
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