Where Do Good Ideas Come From? Plagiarism or Influence?
Is there such a thing as originality in art and design? It’s hard to define, but what is original versus a blatant copy? What work can be defined as original? Does it even matter? Are artists like Shepard Fairey ripping off ideas or creating something new?
Special guests and respected instructor, Allison Goodman and Petrula Vrontikis from Art Center join host Chris Do on the new set of The Process to discuss a hot topic: originality/plagiarism.
00:55 Allison Goodman weighs in on plagiarism, where within design school, it’s “occurring among themselves“.
01:59 Plagiarism lessons the education for all involved.
04:20 Influence/Inspiration vs. Imitation
07:00 No such thing as an original idea.
07:40 Is advertising especially susceptible to recycling ideas because it’s expected.
08:13 Magritte’s collapsing of the frame.
15:30 George Lucas borrowed heavily to pre visualize Star Wars. Was that wrong?
Kirby Fergusson: Everything is a Remix Ted Talk: