STHELL Gameplay (PC - FPS, Enemy Hell)

STHELL - напряженный научно-фантастический FPS, в котором вы пытаетесь выжить как можно дольше, пока полчища роботов наводняют окружающий вас небольшой участок болотистой местности, который когда-то был испытательным полигоном для экспериментального оружия. Игра обновлена до . Список изменений не найден. STHELL is an intense Sci-Fi FPS where you attempt to survive for as long as possible as hordes of robots swarm you in on a small patch of swampland that was once a test site for experimental weapons. In STHELL you find yourself in a long forgotten test site for a weapons company called Kiraton Industries. Your presence there has activated huge hordes of robots that have been left to rust for decades. You now need to keep moving and shooting as you try to survive the robot hordes. You start with a simple pistol, but as you progress you can find more powerful weapons to aid your battle.
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