Spiritual Awareness Tipping Over Guided Meditation 29 | Oneness Is ALL | Paul F Gorman Miracle Self
Oneness is All. All Good Form can not keep away from the experience of the consciousness of oneness. Sit in the Silence with Paul.
Here is the answer - the clearest, simplest yet most powerful and immediate way or “method“ to overcome any problem that confronts you.
It could be a problem of ill-health or accident; it could be a problem of disease; it could be a problem of financial lack; it could be a problem of injustice, government demand, personal or work relations, companionship, home, environment, transport, depression, sense of worth or purpose... anything at all, that is, at this very moment, troubling you or yours, even a deep or very urgent or long-standing trouble.
This is the most practical, tangible and immediate answer. It is your tangible solution in all its fullness, here, now, today. This is the whole of The Miracle Self teaching and method in a nutshell. This, my good friend, is all you ever need and all you ever have to do.
Sit down, or lie down, whatever you prefer. Close your eyes. Gently realize that this problem is only appearing as it is THROUGH the five senses of the mind. It is “made“ by the five senses of the collective mind belief. It is not “real“ even though it appears and acts VERY real to your material, physical experience. However, it only can appear, and act, as a real situation or condition when you identify WITH the material, corporeal sense of life.
The very moment you un-identify with the material, corporeal sense, to identify with WHAT YOU TRULY ARE - PURE, UNCONTAMINATED SPIRIT - every last discordant, limiting or lacking appearance melts away to reveal harmony, health, abundance, joy and success in every department of your experience, with no delay, here and now, by a means you know not of.
Remember what The Miracle Self says: your world beams OUT of the five senses and appears tangible, physical, material to you, just as the movie beams OUT of the projector and appears on the screen. If we identify with the images on the screen, and believe them to be real, we suffer them. We can’t seem to disentangle ourselves from the trouble, or troubles, we are experiencing in the material sense of life.
This is the ONLY actual problem - the identification with the material scene, the material image world that LOOKS LIKE tangible, real people, things, situations, conditions and places. None of “this world“ is tangible or real anymore than the images on the movie screen are tangible or real. They APPEAR to be real if we are drawn in by them, but there is, in Truth, no reality to them in the slightest. Not one single frame or pixel of those images are tangible or real.
You can prove it very quickly: the MOMENT you pull your attention away from the material scene, and, instead, place your attention on your SPIRITUAL actual Self and actual World, then every appearing problem, no matter how deep or urgent it appears to the material scene, evaporates.
Why does it simply evaporate? Because it never was real. It never had an ounce of real substance or life or presence to it - never - just as the characters, situations and places on the movie screen have no real substance, life or presence. They are nothingness.
Please read more here:
Please purchase the best books by Paul F. Gorman- Miracle Self here:
Meditations On Awareness Itself -
I am - A Meditation -
Awareness Itself: Being Aware of Awareness Itself Is the Key -
The 7 Spiritual Steps To Solving Any Problem by Paul F Gorman -
Healing of The Body: The Science and Reality of Spiritual Healing -
The Way of Awakening -
Releasing the Universe Within: Lifting Awareness into the Realm of I AM -
Anyone Can Demonstrate Infinity -
May this content be useful to all people seeking a higher spiritual consciousness of truth, mind, love, and the world.
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