Kathleen Battle, T. Troyanos Rosenkavalier Act II Duet LIVE (1986) "Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren"

Please click for more information and analysis. For non commercial educational purposes. Please message me if there is a problem with this video. Metropolitan opera 1986 Sophie: Kathleen Battle Octavian: Tatiana Troyanos Conductor: James Levine One review near the time of this recording pondered whether Kathleen Battle was the best Sophie the Met had ever heard. You can understand why. Such shimmering purity, beauty of tone, liquid legato and sense of Straussian style is truly rare. Troyanos is generally very good, though struggles a little on some high notes, but is a good artist and partner. My favourite studio performance is Barbara Bonney with Susan Graham - they recorded this excerpt with the Vienna Philharmonic and Christoph Eschenbach for the Strauss Heroines disc that was mainly a vehicle for Fleming, but sadly it didn’t fit on that disc. It was later released on a “best of“ Barbara Bonney collection entitled “the radiant voice of Barbara Bonney“.
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