[HARDEST 2.2 ROBOT DEMON] Nullscapes by ItzKiba (me)

To be verified by Zoink. I started building Nullscapes in around November 2022, and I’m glad to say that I’m finally happy with the current state of the level! The level was first “finished“ in May 2023, where it was showcased on Viprin’s channel. However, looking back I wasn’t really happy with how the level looked. I decided to go back and redo most of the effects (especially in the drop) to fit better with the song. I also wanted to take time to connect both Nullscapes and Shardscapes to a future upcoming project of mine, and I felt that the changes I made do a pretty good job at that (think of it as the “Xenoblade 3“ of the Scapes series). Overall, I’m glad that I was able to take the time to polish up the level to the best that I can make it. I would also like to thank vulcanium4 for putting in the time and effort in their attempt to verify this beast of a level, even if they couldn’t make it in the end. Nullscapes is probably around top 15 on the Demon List, so it’s definitely the hardest robot demon (and my most anticipated project) by far.
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