ДЕСЯТЬ МИНУТ ЩАДЯЩЕЙ ДОМАШНЕЙ РАЗМИНКИ 10-Minute Ground Kicking Workout (Follow-Along)

ДЕСЯТЬ МИНУТ ЩАДЯЩЕЙ ДОМАШНЕЙ РАЗМИНКИ На ограниченном пространстве прикроватного коврика. В период локдауна или просто вместо зарядки This is a fun but intense workout done entirely from seated or lying positions on the ground. It strengthens the hip and leg muscles for better performance on kicks. The exercises go as follows, 30 seconds each: • Knee hugs (alternate at 15sec) • Seated split hamstring stretch • Seated split middle stretch • Seated split hamstring stretch (other side) • Leg lifts • Leg lifts (other side) • Sidekick hold • Sidekick hold (other side) • Switching roundhouse kicks • Rest • Hook kick-roundhouse kick • Hook kick-roundhouse kick (other side) • Single leg bridge • Single leg bridge (other side) • Back kicks • Back kicks (other side) • Low-mid-high roundhouse kicks • Low-mid-high roundhouse kicks (other side) • Leg circles • Leg circles (other side) #хапкидо #питерспорт #спортмосква #стритфайт #боевыеискусства #драка #самооборона #ММА #ушу #телохранитель
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