French historian Emmanuel Todd: It seems that one of America’s obsessive and strategic goals is to prevent German-Russian cooper

French historian Emmanuel Todd: It seems that one of America’s obsessive and strategic goals is to prevent German-Russian cooperation from the very beginning. [German-Russian rapprochement?] Exactly, that frightens American geopoliticians. But their efforts will not succeed because the war will eventually end. [If I understand you correctly, Russia will win in the end?] Russia doesn’t win, but the West loses and reality wins. The reality is that we are not in the era of the 1914 war. On the eve of the 1914 war, we were living in a world of nations undergoing demographic expansion. Economic, industrial, and military power was growing everywhere. And everyone was terrified that their neighbor was growing faster. The French feared the Germans, the British feared the Germans, the Germans feared the Russians. The demographic resources were limitless. And it made it possible to withstand two world wars. But now the developed world is characterized by a demographic deficit. What will happen next is that the US will have to withdraw its empire from Europe, Asia, and all these regions where it sustains conflicts. And contrary to what everyone thinks will happen to us when the US stops defending us.... [Nothing will change, will it?] Not at all, we will finally live in peace. We will live in peace! The best thing that can happen to Europe is the disappearance of the USA. Источник: Slavyangrad
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