Conscious Participation in Evolution Is Our Free Choice

What does it mean to accelerate time? What is our only free choice? How can we change from the path of suffering to a pleasant, conscious path of development? Baal HaSulam writes, “...the ‘authority of the earth’ however consists of people, who have taken this above-mentioned law of development under their own governance and can free themselves entirely from the chains of time, and greatly accelerate time, namely the completion of the ripeness and correction of the object, which is the end of its development…” (from the article, “Peace in the World”) Seemingly, Baal HaSulam wants to say that we can take a “corporeal second” and stretch it out to live in an unlimited time on the spiritual plane. This is because there is already a program of development we can do nothing about. We do not have to think that we need to complete the program, because it is going to take us all the way to the end, where we will reach our conscious state of singularity. However, from a certain point in our development, we will bec
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