DFECT - Sunday Pressure #16
*My Show On The Underground Lair 140124*
DL Link:-
Botnet - Hydroflux,
Hijnks - Twisted Language,
Antares - The Wolf,
DJ E - Darkness At Midnight,
Forgiven Soul - The Craft,
Overlook - Beartrap (Madcap Remix),
Grief - Kill Zone,
Tim Reaper - Something Unreal (Acid_Lab VIP),
88 Katanas - Grid Sector,
Dub One - Unceasing Violence,
Paradox - Paragons,
Decoder & Substance - Dogfight,
Fathom - Mindkiller,
Ed Rush & Optical - Splinter,
Technical Itch - The Virus,
Presha - The Spell (Artilect Remix),
Voyage - Omega,
Kratos - Three-Headed Hounds,
DJ 3D - Chinese Boxing,
Skyscraper - Replicants VIP,
Eye-D - Eye Design,
Gremlinz - Frankie Gunns (Paradox Remix),
- Relativ,
Terror Cell & Later 3 - Athena,
Antares - Simply Violent.