Assembly Language in 100 Seconds

Assembly is the lowest level human-readable programming language. Today, it is used for precise control over the CPU and memory on the bare metal hardware of a computer. Learn the basics Assembly with NASM in 100 Seconds. #compsci #programming #100SecondsOfCode 🔗 Resources NASM Assembler x86 Assembly Guide ~evans/cs216/guides/ How a CPU Works WASM in 100 Seconds 📚 Chapters 🔥 Get More Content - Upgrade to PRO Upgrade to Fireship PRO at Use code lORhwXd2 for 25% off your first payment. 🎨 My Editor Settings - Atom One Dark - vscode-icons - Fira Code Font 🔖 Topics Covered - What is Assembly Language? - What are registers on a CPU? - Assembly language basics tutorial - How to say hello world in assembly - Who invented assembly language? - Assembly vs Machine Code - x86 vs ARM architecture
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